

Today, leadership is synonymous with change and the imperative for leaders to become impactful change agents has never been more pressing. 

However, approximately 70% of people globally resist change. If you want your leaders to master how to bring these people on board by harnessing their strengths instead of diminishing their motivation you have come to the right place. 

do you want your leaders make a quantum leap?

If you want your leaders to cultivate excellence, trust, and buy-in regardless of the magnitude of challenges encountered – you have come to the right place. I offer a comprehensive suite of professional tools and courses to foster authentic leadership and smooth change through impactful communication: 

Customized training sessions

Held on- or offline in groups of 8 to 15 people, your leaders will obtain actionable knowledge and skills in interactive and engaging training modules according to pre-defined needs.

Real-life experience sharing

In regular online calls, the participants share what they have learned while applying the newly acquired skills in real life. This creates mutual learning from which everyone can benefit beyond their own experiences.

Certified coach logo

1:1 Coaching

Being a CCA-certified transformational and systemic coach, my 1:1 coaching sessions round up the whole experience by helping individuals to maximize their personal leadership and communication potential.

Your leaders and their goals are unique and deserve a tailor-made approach. Book a free call with me to speak about options that fit your expectations, needs and budget. I provide all my services in English, German or French.

Ulrike's keynote

We all KNOW what is good for us and what we should DO to move forward – and yet we all know the situation where we just can’t get off the ground.

In my talk, I reveal the secret of what we need to activate within ourselves in order to make the leap from procrastination to action and thus achieve our goals faster, more efficiently and more joyfully. 

Ignite your audience’s potential with this captivating keynote and instantly enrich their leadership capabilities.

Ulrike in the media

Inspirational and powerful leaders take teams, peers and superiors on their journey because they speak from their innermost conviction, own who they truly are, and stand in their full power.

consulting & COACHING

With my wealth of experience as a former C-level executive and my holistic view of your organizational development needs, I help you translate your business objectives into tangible realities.

I have designed award-winning engagement programs and successfully implemented numerous leadership, change and corporate culture programs across a variety of industries, company sizes and cultural backgrounds around the globe.

about Ulrike

As a well-established coach and consultant, and former C-level executive I am the go-to expert for authentic leadership and impactful communication. 

By combining cutting-edge self-development techniques with my vast hands-on experience as a Corporate Communications executive I help leaders to build credibility and powerfully lead change through effective communication. More than just a CCA-certified coach, I am a savvy expert on leading across hierarchy levels and different cultures by providing pragmatic and easy-to-use tools to my clients.

Prior to founding my company in 2019, I worked as a Corporate Communications leader for over 20 years in a variety of industries, steadily climbing the corporate ladder until I became a member of the executive committee of an international pharmaceutical company based in Zurich in 2015.

I have designed award-winning global engagement programs and successfully implemented numerous leadership, change, and corporate culture programs. I have extensive intercultural experience both in large corporations as well as in medium-sized companies and start-ups.

I hold an MA in Marketing Management from Robert Schuman University in Strasbourg, France. I am a CCA-certified coach, a member of the International Association of Coaching Institutes (ICI), and founder and host of the podcast Empowering Female Leaders.

Ulrike in the media